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Round Island Lighthouse
Restoration Project

The above rendering gives the viewer an accurate picture of how the lighthouse will appear in its new location. Lighthouse is seen in the lower righthand corner of the rendering, adjacent to the bridge approach. Click to view full size.
A lantern gallery that will eventually sit atop the historic Round Island Lighthouse is expected to start coming together starting in February (2011).
The lantern gallery is the top portion of a lighthouse, built of metal and glass that houses the actual light. “We’re starting to hear some feedback from the public that they think the project has stalled because they don’t see work going on out there,” Harry Schmidt, community development director, said.
“So we want to celebrate the completion of the first phase and let people know that the next phase is funded but most of the work will take place in a fabrication shop, so the public won’t really see it

until it is completed.”
The city plans to place the gallery next to the portion of the lighthouse that’s been restored, most likely in July or August.
The city received about $50,000 in private sponsorships to pay for the lion’s share of the lantern gallery restoration. After Hurricane Georges toppled the lighthouse in 1998, sections of the gallery were salvaged. They will be incorporated into the restored gallery, Schmidt said.
Phase One, which consisted of lifting what was left of the 1850s brick lighthouse off of Round Island, transporting and installing is at a new site on U.S. 90 at the southeast side of the high-rise bridge, was completed in December (2010). That portion of the project was funded by about $600,000 in federal and state grand money.
It was a more complex project than it appears at first glance.
Piles had to be driven and a foundation had to be poured for the lighthouse, which the city aims to restore to its original height of 40 feet.
About two-thirds of the original bricks were salvaged from the island, and will be incorporated into the restored structure, Schmidt said.
Another paart of phase one is a new sidewalk that will connect the lighthouse to a boat lunch and historic pathway along the river.
Construction of the boat launch and pathway, which is a separatae project, is set to begin very soon. It is funded by about $2.2 million in Mississippi Transportation Department and Tidelands Trust Funds. “We’re sitting on go with that,” Schmidt said.
The city hopes to finance phases two and three of the project, which include rebuilding the brick, entirely with grant money. that is expected to cost $350,000 to $450,000 and be complete in 2012.
At only a third of its former height, the lighthouse doesn’t look like much now, but the city envisions it as a stately beacon that welcomes people as they cross the bridge into Pascagoula. It is working with a consultant with lighthouse restoration experience on a game plan.
The lantern gallery will be illuminated in some way, but not shine as brightly as it once did since that could district motorists on the bridge.
Used with permission from The Mississippi Press
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Round Island Lighthouse Preservation Society
P.O.Box 1059
Pascagoula, MS 39568